Roddy MacManx pulled into the driveway of his home in Zaftig City, feeling very happy. Looking to his right, he can see the reason for his happiness, Sandra, the white tiger. They met at Sport's, where Roddy had, with Sport's help, gained 200 pounds onto his 6'10" frame, increasing his weight to 820 pounds of soft blubber. Roddy, however, wanted to get fatter, much fatter. Sandra had said she was an amateur of food and fattening magic, and would love the chance to make Roddy just as fat as she wanted! So, he brought her to his home, where he had a special place out back for force-feeding, which he so loved. He stopped his Hummer H2 and shut off the motor. Then, he removed his seat belts and managed to get his flabby body out the door. He ran around to help the diminutive Sandra down. [She is only 5'2 and shapely.] She skritched his bulging belly as he helped her down. "Oohhh, you're so soft and fat already, Roddy!" she cooed as he hugged her into his belly. "I want you to make me just as fat as you want me to be, Sandra! So long as you keep feeding me, I'll eat it, no matter how full I am!" he purred. "C'mon! Lets get to the feeding room!" He led her to the back of the house, where a 15' by 15' shed stood. It had one wide door and a window. Outside the window is an array of tanks, pumps and hoses. He led her inside, where the only piece of furniture is a very large reclining chair, easily capable of holding someone much, much fatter than Roddy is now. "This chair has restraints, so I won't be able to stop being fed. Once strapped in, I'll be totally at your mercy!" he said with a giggle. Sandra laughed as well. "Ready to fatten up, big boy? I'll feed you till you have the biggest, softest belly you can imagine, then I'll feed you lots more!" she said with a smile. Eagerly, Roddy got into the chair. He showed Sandra how to strap him in, so he'd be helpless. Once he was tied down, Sandra conjured up tables of all sorts of fattening junk foods, hot dogs, fries, burgers, chips, tacos, and lots of soda! What she didn't say is that she made the foods super-fattening! She sat next to Roddy's head in a fold-down seat and started stuffing the helpless catmunk. She happily stuffed Roddy's face, taking delight in his smiles and appetite. Quite unconsciously, she started rubbing his soft tummy as she fed him. Roddy murred at the touch of her paw on his belly, and his eyes twinkled happily as he ate. After he cleared a table, and she was moving the second one within reach, he whispered, "Sandra? Lean over here, please." Curious, she bent over his face. He strained his face up and kissed her pink nose. As she giggled, he said, "Thank you. I feel fatter already! So full... " "Well, you ate enough to feed five boys your size! But you're not done eating yet, fatty! There's a whole lot of food left!" she said as she dragged the second table closer. "May I lie on you while I feed you?" "Sure! A little kitty like you won't hurt me! But I feel so full, I think my belly button's gonna pop open!" Sandra blinked, confused. "Pop open your belly button?" she asked. Roddy grinned. "Something my mom used to say when I was a kid, when I ate a lot. She would tell me that if I overate, my belly button would pop open and I would fatten and fatten and fatten till I grew too fat! She used magics a couple of times to actually do it, to try to get me to stop overeating. I spent a whole week one time in bed, too fat to budge!" "Like you are now?" Sandra giggled. Roddy grinned and nodded. For over an hour, Sandra fed Roddy, sprawling on his swelling belly. She started stuffing him faster by conjuring the foods directly into his mouth and stomach, causing him to bloat faster and faster. He soon fattened to where he filled the chair. "Oohhh, what a fat boy you are!" she cooed, rubbing his swollen tummy. "So stuffed..." he groaned, then, he started to hiccup. Sandra grew alarmed... one flaw in her magics is that giving the recipient hiccups would cause them to fatten out of control! She could feel Roddy bloating with soft fat, and getting taller, too! "Roddy, stop hiccuping! You're growing!" She said, alarmed. "I can't *hic* stop! Need *hic* milk! Lots of *hic* milk! Gotta drink! *hic*" Roddy gasped as he bloated and bloated, bursting out of his chair and restraints. Sandra focused, and sent gallons of whole milk cascading into Roddy's gullet. His overfull tummy swelled even bigger under the torrent of milk, but he did stop hiccuping. He was HUGE... 8 feet tall and so rounded with fat, he was completely helpless! "Sandra, listen to me..." he gasped. "In the house, in my bedroom, on the dresser, is a teakwood box. Inside is something that looks like the cork from a wine bottle. Get it and bring it to me..." "Of course, Roddy! What does it do?" she asked. "It's my float plug! Put it in my belly button, and it makes me have 3 ounces of lift, no matter what I weigh! I'll be your toy balloon! Hurry! Hard to catch my breath!" he puffed. "Right away, fatty!" Sandra said, then rushed out, concerned that Roddy looked like he was in distress. She ran into the house, then ran smack into a furson inside, someone she didn't notice. "Steady there, Cassandra. You should watch where you're going!" The tall grey-furred feline furson said, catching and steadying her. Sandra looked up in surprise. "Mr. MacManx! What are you doing here? I didn't see you! Are you okay?" she asked. Alden smiled. "I'm fine, little lady. Just dropping off supplies for his kitchen. What are you looking for?" Quickly, she described the box. "Ahh, the float plug. Of course! Follow me." He led her to Roddy's bedroom. It was big, as was the whole house, as befitting a plus-sized teen. Alden handed her the box, as well as a bottle of red pills. "You feeding Roddy up?" Sandra nodded, a faint blush creeping up her white-furred cheeks. "He likes it, and so do I..." she said, slightly embarrassed. "Don't worry, little lady. He loves getting too fat, and being forced to fatten far beyond sensibility. It's his favorite thing to do, after cooking and reading. Or maybe before that..." he said with a smile. "What are these pills for?" she asked, curious. "Those are his diet pills. It will magically remove his added fat, so he can be fattened again! The more you give him, the faster and more weight he'll shed! Good thing he can make more as needed." Alden said, a smile quirking his cheek. "What do you mean?" "Roddy has the power to magically recreate anything he has eaten or prepared, and I do mean ANYTHING. Foods or potions, if he has eaten or prepared it, he can duplicate it as often as he wants, serving utensils included! It's his only magic gift. He can stretch, too. The fatter he is, the more he can be stretched out. Oh... one thing you should know... he cannot pop without some outside help. He needs a special charm. Otherwise, he'll just expand and expand. We don't know what his limit is." Alden explained. Sandra listened intently to the explanation. "Well, thanks for telling me... but he did say to hurry! His breathing sounded ragged!" she turned to go out. "He is asthmatic, but it is normally controlled. If he gets too heavy, he has trouble breathing. One important question, Cassandra..." then, Alden's voice became stern. "Do you love my son?" Sandra stopped in mid-stride The question threw her off guard. This was something she hadn't sat down to think of when they first met or since. She found herself saying, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, "Yes, I love Roddy.." Alden smiles and says, "Good! I bet he loves you too, and not only because you're feeding him up. Go, with my blessing that you and he find much joy in each other." Sandra smiles back at Alden and rushes back into the feeding room, mind working on what Alden said. She was surprised when she careened into a huge mass of soft furry blubber, which oofed at the impact. "Sandra? Is that you? You got my plug?" Roddy asked. Sandra climbs up Roddy's bulging belly [he was 8' tall at this point, and nearly 7' in diameter!' and crams the cork deep into his belly button. He sighed happily as his weight decreases to nothing and less, his body fluffing up with the release of gravity on his 3 « ton body. Sandra's own weight was holding him down. "Much better! Now I can breathe easier, and eat and eat without feeling like I'm being smushed!" She giggled, both at his chubby face and earnest desire in his words. 'He really is so cute' she thought. Then, with a wave of a paw, meat dishes started being fed into Roddy's waiting mouth. Roddy mumbled through the feeding, "Feed, me, pretty lady, till I'm all yours! Wanna be your fatty boy!" She did, making the ballooned-up catmunk grow bigger and fatter. Every meat dish she could think of, she fed to the swollen boy. Then, she conjured up a book and made more dishes for him to eat! 'He's so adorable like this! So big, so fat, so in love with me feeding him up!' Sandra thought as Roddy ate and ate and ate, bloating helplessly. She sprawled on his huge belly, skritching it as he ate. When she paused in the stuffing, Roddy said, "Your dishes are so good! You know I'm an excellent cook, too?" Sandra giggled. "I believe you mentioned that..." "I'm getting so fat, I'm too big for my kitchen... but, I'll fatten up for you, Sandra! You're so kind and nice to me!" Roddy said with a smile on his fat, round face. Sandra shook her head. "Oh Roddy, I think you can still fit into your kitchen. I already know you wont stay like this forever...." she said, shaking the bottle of pills Alden gave her. Roddy gasped. "My reducing pills! How did you know about them?" "Your dad gave them to me.. I know you're not stuck like this.. " she scooted closer to his face to show him. He looked at the bottle. "My dad was here?" "Yes. I... ran into him when I got the float plug." she confessed. "What he say?" "Just to give these to you when you're ready to get small. He's such a nice fur." Roddy smiles. "That he is. Can you scoot closer to my face? I want to do something!" With a nod, Sandra scooted very close to his face. She expected it to be a kiss, which she would gladly accept. Unable to help herself, she gently pawed at his fat, puffy cheek. Roddy snugged and kissed Sandra long and lovingly, his puffy cheeks a nice pillow for her face. She smiled into the kisses and purred softly. "Mmmm," she whispered between kisses, "I love you.." "I love you too... wanna get super-duper fat for you... make me your big fat boy!" Roddy says between kisses. Sandra felt his intense love for her, because she is being so kind to him. Sandra smiled into the kisses. "I can help you.." "Oh?" he said, then kissed her again. "How?" "Your dad said he hasn't found a limit for you yet.. want to see where your limit is?" she asked with a smile. Roddy grinned " Yeah! But I'll be colossal! The fatter I grow, the more I can stretch, the more I can eat, the fatter I get..." he said. "That sounded like a rhyme!" she giggled, then began the feast for him, starting with every greasy type of food she could think of, the menu of every fast food chain she knew. Roddy grunted and mumbled as he's being stuffed, "Get me outside! I'll outgrow my fattening room!" She paused, then agreed. He was so fat now, while lying on his huge belly, she was getting close to the ceiling! She slid off him, then stopped, stymied. Her lover was far too fat and round to get out the door! "Sandra, one wall rolls up!" he said, and told her how to do it. She did, pushing her balloon boy outside. 'Good thing he has the plug in him, otherwise I'll never be able to move him!' she thought. Once outside, she climbed back onto her balloon boy and started force-feeding him again. Every fast-food place she mentioned, the entire menu was conjured up and crammed into his mouth. Bits of food leaked out as he ate, his body bloating bigger with marshmallow-soft fat, his arms and legs coning and shrinking into his expanding body. He is 9' tall at this point, and bloating fast! He was eating so much, so fast, he started getting hiccups again! Of course, the hiccups caused him to fatten bigger and faster! "No, no, no... no hiccups!" she scolded teasingly, enjoying the feel of his belly swelling and quivering under her trim body. "Milk!" he gasped. "Need milk!" Sandra giggled. "Of course! Milk!" she said, with such emphasis, gallons and gallons filled his swollen, overfilled tummy. She smiled down apologetically as he bloated more... it was just too cute! She patted his huge belly tenderly. Roddy hicced once more, then stopped. "Oohhh...", he sighed. "Ate too much too fast! Feel like I'm going to pop! I like it!" With another giggle, Sandra pressed Roddy's bloated belly. "Want more?" Roddy grinned. "Always! I'm so stuffed, but I have lots more stretch! I'm your big baby, your fat butterball!" Sandra purred and snuggled into his fat. It was so comfortable, so tender, so much love between them. She knew that she had found her fur. Suddenly, Roddy's swollen form rolled to his right, tipping Sandra off into some fur's muscular arms. Unknown to the love struck furs, one of the neighborhood roughs, a large, muscular bear, had jumped the block wall surrounding the property, and decided to make Sandra his plaything! Relieved of Sandra's weight, Roddy started to float into the air, far too fat to find his belly button and remove the float plug! Sandra gasped as Roddy emulated the balloon he resembled. If she didn't do something, he'd float away! The bear laughed as Roddy slowly drifted upwards, rolling slowly. "Bye, fatty! She's mine now!" Sandra managed to get an arm free. Grabbing the bottle of reducing pills, she tossed them towards Roddy. "Catch!" she shouted before the bear clomped his paw over her mouth. The bottle top came off, spraying red pills in an arc. Roddy opened his mouth and managed to swallow ten of the pills. Only two were needed. His swollen form shivered and started to deflate. "You let go of my girl, you bad bear!" he shouted as he deflated, now about 30 feet up and rising. "Whatcha gonna do, balloon boy?" the bear growled, keeping Sandra's mouth covered with a paw and pinning her slight frame to his huge one with the other. Sandra is 5'2 and 110 pounds, while the bear is a 9' tall, 700 pound muscled brute. Roddy managed to stop his spin. The overdose of reducing pills had caused Roddy to reduce to a 6'10 muscled bread stick. (The pills worked on fat and fat effects. Carrying his weight has made Roddy quite strong.) Now 45 feet up, he shouted, "This!" He gestured, and shouted "Helium Flour!" A paper sack of flour appeared over the bear's head, falling and bursting, coating the bear and Sandra with a dusting of the flour. The bear groaned, as did Sandra, as they felt pressure inside their bellies and began to bloat. She took advantage of the bear's distraction to break free. She was in a panic, and not just of the bear. One of her worst fears is to become bloated. Sandra managed to counteract the powder's effects in her before her clothes tore. The bear, who got far and away the most of the flour, was ballooning fast. He tottered on stiffening limbs as he blew up, then lost contact with the ground and headed skyward, squeaking in dismay. Roddy, by this time, had pulled the float plug out of his belly button, falling heavily to the ground. The rubbery catmunk bounced twice after he hit and lay still, groaning some Sandra rushed to Roddy's side and knelt down, very worried. "You all right, love?" Roddy sat up, wincing some. "Sure! You can't break a rubber catmunk, but you can bruise it!" he looked at the bear, floating off and expanding more, then at Sandra. "Hey! How come you're not like the bear?" he asked, puzzled, standing up. Sandra hugged Roddy's slim body, burying her face in his furry chest. "I counteracted the magics in the flour and expelled the helium. I don't want to be round like that, EVER!" Roddy hugged her back. "I'm so sorry, Sandra. I couldn't target the flour fine enough to get just him." he said apologetically. She smiled up at his worried face. "Now I can get you back!" she said, kissing his belly. Suddenly, Roddy's body altered, his arms and legs getting massively muscled, while his belly ballooned up with fat! He swelled till his belly was nice and rounded with fat, six feet wide and bulging out three feet, but his limbs remained muscular. He scooped her up and kissed her with passion. She returned the kiss with equal fervor. "Now I can be fattened back up again!" he said after the kissing, settling her on his swollen paunch. She giggled. "Don't you want to move around first?" "Okay! What would you like to do?" he asked. "How about swimming?" she replied. In response, he carried her around the fattening room, where a small pool awaited. "That's nice, but I want to go to a pond." "A pond? Sure! Whatever you wish, love! But, where?" She smiled. "I know one not far away! I love ponds!" she purred, kissing Roddy and making his belly fatten another two feet! "Good! But, I have to get changed and dressed first!" he said, carrying her into the house, purring at his fattening, but groaning a little as he waddled inside. "Are you okay? Did I feed you too much? Do you have a belly ache?" Sandra asked with concern as he set her down in the kitchen, which resembled what you would find in a restaurant. "A little..." he groaned, rubbing his swollen paunch. "When I'm skinny, I don't have that much stretch. I'll be okay!" "Oops!" she giggled, kissing his swollen belly. "Sorry!" "No problem! Let me get changed!" he led her through the house, which had doors wide enough to accommodate a fat teenage fur, even as fat as he is now! In his bedroom, he found swim trunks, jeans shorts, and a button-down shirt, all of stretchable fabric from Edo's Clothiers. He posed for her after dressing. "You like?" She looked at his powerful chest, huge beach ball belly, strong arms and legs, nodding. "Oh yes, you look wonderful!" she rubbed his belly to help with the tummy ache. He looked great in jean shorts and the button up short sleeved shirt. Roddy kissed her tenderly. "Beefy is cute, but blubber is best!" "Thats why l left your belly all blubber!" she giggled, skritching his belly through the gaps between buttons. Roddy hugs her to his big belly. "I'll happily be your blubber ball, Sandra!" he declared. She giggled when smushed into his big belly: "Ok, lets go!" She was still wearing her lovely denim shorts and red top. Roddy grabs his keys and wallet, then leads Sandra out the front door. Before he locks up, he takes her to a speaker in the wall. Pushing a button, he told her, "State your name here, please." She leaned forward to the speaker and said clearly, "Cassandra Merrywine." Roddy then says, "Computer, scan and give her unlimited access to this residence. Authorization RAM Plata 717." Red laser lines scan Sandra top to bottom and side to side. The computer replies, "Yes sir, boss! She's okay by me!" Roddy grins. "I built and programmed Gatekeeper myself! Now, my house is your house, love! Gatekeeper will let you in whenever you wish to!" Roddy smiled happily at Sandra. "You will always be welcome here, my love!" he bent to kiss her, then he scooped her up and carried her to the H2. She giggled and snuggled into him. Roddy purred, opened her door, and set her in, then goes to his seat and buckles up, leaning over to give her another kiss. "Where to?" he asked. Sandra kissed Roddy in return. "Um.." she thought, then said, "There's a large pond not too far away." She gave directions to the pond. Good thing Roddy lived in the outskirts of Zaftig City. Roddy drove the short distance to the pond, taking her paw and resting it on his belly. She felt a tingle in her paw as he put her paw on his belly. "Mmmm" she purred in pleasure, kneading his soft tummy. "We should find a chocolate factory." she said as she rubbed his fat belly. Roddy grins. "I know one! After swimming?" he asked. "Sure! I'd love to roll you around while you eat!" she said with a playful grin. Roddy let out a loud purr of happiness at that. Soon, they arrived at the pond. It is about 50 yards by thirty, deep in the middle, surrounded by trees and grass. Nice and secluded for two young furs in love. Roddy parked his H2 and went to carry Sandra to the water. "I can walk, you know!" she giggles, and hops out of the car. "I know... but I like the feel of you against me!" he said as he put his arm around her and hugs gently. With a smile, she pats his belly. "Me too.." Then, she pulls off her shirt and shorts, revealing a bikini, and she runs to the water. Roddy shucks his shirt and shorts, revealing his trunks, and follows her, watching her trim body run to the water with the eyes of someone hopelessly in love. Sandra splashes into the water and swims around, Roddy diving in after her, making a mighty splash, darkening his smoky-grey fur. The two splash, swim and play for a while. After a few minutes, Roddy gulps some air and inflates, floating easily. She smiled and dove under, tickling him from under. He squealed and giggled, then gulped more air, making him swell bigger. She comes up and smiles. "Wow! You got big!" "Bigger for you, so you can nap on me, love!" he says, grinning. She smiles. "Okay!" Climbing up, she settles on his belly, sprawling out on his swollen vastness. He hugged her. "Comfy?" She nods, smiling, then declares loudly, "Chocolate!" The lake turns to liquid chocolate, then all around them, the trees, plants, grass, even the dirt, all turn to chocolate! Roddy blinks. "The lake! It's gone chocolate!" he exclaims. Sandra nods, then sprouts wings, flies up and hovers there. "Go for a swim!" she tells him. Roddy rubs his throat, deflating, then dives in. Sandra watches, smiling. He surfaces, covered in chocolate. "It's yummy!" he calls up. 'Unfortunately, he's not going fast enough' she thinks, so she claps her hands. Everything ends up being sucked down his throat and into his belly. All of it, lake, trees, ground, land, all of the chocolate- changed things are magically crammed down Roddy's gullet. He oofs and stretches bigger and bigger and bigger and BIGGER, bloating helplessly with rich, sweet, fattening chocolate... Sandra giggles from her vantage point, watching her love fatten and fatten, growing taller and rounder, his face puffing up, his limbs swelling, and his belly ballooning up huge, his bloated body filling the lakebed, quivering as the chocolate is being changed to blubbery fat. He's fattening out of control, and loving it! He whimpers as he gets taller and fatter, unable to stop. "My plug..." he gasps. "What? I don't have it!" she calls down. "Need float plug.. in car..." he wheezes. Sandra quickly flies to grab it, while Roddy bloats out of control. She finds a float plug in the center console. She grabs it and flies back to Roddy, but hits her head on a low branch and knocks herself out. She falls senseless next to the car. Roddy is still growing helplessly fatter and fatter and fatter. He's so swollen, his paws wont reach the ground, and he's on his back. "Sandra? Hurry... I'm getting too fat..." he gasps. She is lying on the ground, still out. He can just see her out of the corner of his eye as he swells with fat, struggling to breathe. He conjures up a gallon of a potion his father stocks at his club, Quickheal, and aims to splash it on her face and head. The purple liquid does its job, enough landing on her to rouse her from unconsciousness. She shakes herself off and gets up, then sees Roddy in front of her, in the pond bed, swelling visibly rounder and fatter, quivering in an effort to breathe. She flies up and jams the plug deep into his belly button, her arm going in up to her elbow. His blubbery body shudders and puffs up as gravity is eased on his 50 foot tall body, and he takes a deep breath. "Ahh! Much better! I can breathe now! Thank you, my love!" he says, smiling up the curve of his belly at her. Sandra slides down his belly to his face. Grabbing his fat round cheeks, she kisses him passionately. "Thank you for saving me!" she says. "Such a big boy you are!" Roddy returned the kiss with equal passion. "I'm a biggie fat boy! And all yours! Wanna be all fatted up for you!" She looked at Roddy's swollen face, a mischievous smile playing on her features. "Okay, skinny boy! Ready for a chocolate kiss?" she said. "What's that?" "This!" she said, and kissed him full on the lips. Roddy felt his swollen stomach stretch. He could taste chocolate on his tongue, and feel his immense body swelling with more and more fat! He felt so overfull, and as long as she was kissing him, he couldn't stop fatting up! He moaned with joy, trying to kiss back. He loved being fattened, but he loved Sandra more! Sandra held the kiss for long minutes, enjoying the feel of Roddy blowing up under her. She was determined to find out just how fat her lover boy could grow! She could feel his soft, round body rocking some as he filled the pond bed with his expanding, fattening form. Finally, she broke the kiss. "There you go! All fatted up!" she said, patting his big cheeks. "Ohh, Sandra, I feel like I'm gonna explode! I'm so stuffed! Still growing!" he said in a joyous whisper. "Yes, you are, big baby! You have to digest all that yummy chocolate! I'm gonna fly up and look at you, fat boy!" She climbed up his belly to the top, then leaped up and spread her wings, flying high above him, trusting the sticky chocolate mud in the pond bed to hold him in place so he wouldn't float away. She turned to look at him. The sight that she beheld was awesome! Roddy had swollen up to a ninety-foot ball of fat, with stubby arms and legs poking out of the ball of chocolate-stained smoke-grey fur. His swollen, smiling face looked up at her, held immobile by thick collars of fat. His belly almost filled up the pond bed, and bulged up high enough to be visible over the remaining trees. 'Oh, he's SO handsome! So big and fat and happy! So adorable!' she thought. She flew down, landing on his soft tummy and sliding down to his face, which she started covering in kisses, each kiss sending a surge of pure fattening foods into his immense stomach. "I love you, fat boy! Fatten for me!" she said between kisses. "I love you too! I'll fatten as much as you want! Wanna be your big fatty boy! I'll never be too big!" Roddy mumbled happily as she kissed and kissed him, stuffing him fuller than full. Sandra kissfed Roddy until he had grown to be 20 times his normal height, and so incredibly, wonderfully bloated with fat! Roddy's head alone is bigger than Sandra is tall! She sprawled out on his face and gently skritched, giggling as his breathing ruffled her fur. She gently kissed his eyelid, smoothing the fur on his cheek. "How is it you grow so tall?" she asked in a whisper. "I'm sure it has something to do with me fattening up beyond a certain point. After that, in order to get fatter, I have to grow! My doctorates are in hyperphysics and chemistry, not medicine!" he whispered back. "I don't mind, though. I'm fat, round, full, floatin, and happy! And now, I have you to fatten me up, lovely lady! It's so good to be really loved!" The lovers cuddled for a time, both enjoying the feel of the other's touch. Roddy then comes to a decision. "Sandra, I have to tell you something..." he says, looking embarrassed. Sandra looked down at him, the words 'oh no' seemed to be easily read over her features, but she spoke softly, "Yes?" "My fat has special properties... if removed and distilled, it makes an oil that amplifies a magician's powers. A lot." he explained. She nods, accepting the information. "Oh.. I see.." "It's a closely held secret... but I want you to know..." he says, then blushes. "I love you!" He cranes neck and lips up to kiss her gently. Blushing, Sandra gently returns the kiss. So.. how do you separate the properties or some such?" Roddy explains. "Well, you have to do liposuction to get the fat out, then render it down. I know how to do it! ten pounds of fat makes one ounce of golden oil. The oil boosts a magicians power by a factor of ten for one hour." She nods as he explains. "I see.. But, liposuction sounds like such an ugly word in reference to you, my love.. " she snuggled closer to him. "Though I think it would be good if you got smaller for a while!" Roddy purrs at the snuggle. "Can you make me smaller? Or should I take a pill?" Sandra smiled softly. "I'll try.." She walked up to his belly button, reached deep inside, and pulled out his float plug. Roddy oofs and settles as weight returns. "Hurry!" he gasps Sandra nods, pressing both paws into his belly and begins to chant. Roddy purrs at her touch. She could feel the stored power in him. Drawing from his power, as well as her own, she works through to his metabolism and starts speeding it up. Slowly but surely, his form starts to reduce. As his weight decreases, his breathing becomes less ragged. Draining her own energy, like water down a bathtub drain, Sandra weakens dramatically until finally she collapses against him. Roddy is still a swollen fat catmunk, but is mobile. He clasps her to him. "Sandra? You okay?" he says, concern in his voice. But, Sandra had spent so much of her energy slimming Roddy down, she had drained too much and had fallen unconscious. Squirming to get out of the mud, Roddy carries her to the grassy bank and lays her out on the grass. Conjuring up a bottle of Quickheal, he tries to give her sips from it. "Sandra! Wake up, love! Come on, sweetheart, wake up!" But, Sandra couldn't hear Roddy. She was so deep into unconsciousness, she couldn't hear anyone. She couldn't swallow, either. Her pulse was weakening as well as her breathing. Roddy, by now, is very agitated. "No! Don't leave me!" he cries, mind working frantically. He lies on his belly so he can reach her. In desperation, he manages to conjure up a hypo and injects her with a stimulant he knows of, that helps mages who are exhausted. He's so worried, he doesn't question how he does it. He rolls off his belly and sits up. "I so hope that works!" he mutters as he conjures up a 3' sub and starts to munch. To his horror, Sandra sank deeper into unconsciousness, almost to a coma. Roddy inhales the sub as he sees Sandra in distress. "No!" he cries, scooping her up, cradling her close to him, and running as fast as he can to the car. "Gotta get her to a hospital!" He lays her on the hood of the H2 as he opens the passenger door, then straps her limp form into her seat. He goes to get in, but his belly is so big, he can't fit behind the wheel! He cries as he tries to get his big bloated belly in. Then, he hears, "Roddy, calm down!" Roddy's father, Alden, is standing by Sandra. "Let me help." He checks Sandra over, scanning her with normal and mystical senses. Roddy asks, "Dad! What happened?" Alden checks Sandra over closely before answering. "Roddy, she's exhausted, is all. She needs time to recover. Your house will do." He concentrates, and the H2 is sitting in Roddy's driveway. "Help me get her inside." Roddy squeezes himself out from the car, waddles over and picks Sandra up. Alden opens the door, carries her inside and lays her on his big soft bed. Oddly enough, Sandra had also lost weight, which was not something she needed to do. For some reason, the energy expelled was so great she lost 20 lbs. Roddy looked at her sleeping form. "She's so thin, dad! What can I do?" he asks, his concern evident in his voice as he tucks her in comfortably, or so he hoped. "Just let her rest. I'll send Dr. Harvey over to check her out." Alden says, then he concentrates and vanishes, leaving a large, elderly rabbit in his place. Roddy smiles. The rabbit has been his doctor since he was a kitten "hi, Doc Harvey! Can you help her?" "I'll do my best, Ricky." the old rabbit says kindly as he checks out Sandra's unconscious form, using tools from his little black bag. After a while, Dr. Harvey presents his diagnosis. "She is simply completely exhausted from overuse of her magics. She needs hydration and rest, as well as some medicines that will help her. Observe closely, Ricky..." he says as he starts an IV line with appropriate medications and solutions. After some detailed explanations and instructions, Harvey looks up at Roddy. "You need to relax too, son. She needs you to care for her, and you can't do that as a nervous wreck!" Roddy nods. "I see your point. But, can you help me? Please put my ankle weights on and stick my float plug in? I'll feel better being light!" The doctor smiles. "You haven't changed any since leaving home, have you?" he says with a chuckle as Roddy gets the weights. Harvey puts them on his swollen ankles, then puts the float plug in his belly button. With a joyful sigh, Roddy's blubber lifts up. "Thanks, Doc!" he exclaims as he feels the weight leave him. "I'll be back twice a day. You have your instructions!" the rabbit says, waving a finger before he disappears in a puff of purple smoke. For three days, Sandra sleeps, recovering her strength. Roddy tends to her with love and care, and is eating enough to feed 20 furs! On the third evening, she begins to rouse, her little pink nose twitching slightly at the scent of something spicy, with tomatoes and some meat. Slowly but surely, her eyes fluttered open. "Lasagna.." she whispers, but her stomach gave a lurch at the thought. "Well, maybe soup..." She hears the scrape of an oven door closing, then the scent of fresh garlic bread floats in. Though the smell was divine, Sandra knew she couldn't eat anything like that.. not for a while. Her stomach had shrank from the lack of food, and she wasn't sure if she could handle such spices. Sliding from the bed, she unhooked the IV from her arm. Slowly getting up, she used the wall and IV stand for support. Still very weak, she wandered towards the smell. "Roderick?" she called out, her voice barely a whisper. "Sandra?" Roddy bounds to her. It was obvious he had been overeating... he was FAT! Very FAT! The float plug made his bloated body bounce and jiggle as he runs to her. "You're awake! How are you, love?" Sandra blinks up at him in surprise. "I'm.. I'm... tired, I think.. what happened to you... you go so big!" she whispered, resting against his huge belly. He purred at her touch. "You've been sleeping for over three days! I was so scared, and when I get scared, I eat! A lot!" he said with a relieved smile on his face. Then, her legs decided they didn't want to work any more. Her knees buckled, then she began to fall. Roddy caught her, using his huge belly as a support. He guides her to his big reclining chair and settles her into it. "Rest here, okay? Can I get you something?" he says, tilting the chair back "You're so frail..." She looked up at him. "I guess I should try and eat something.. " she sighed softly, still so tired. Her paws went to his belly. "You make up for it.." she smiled a little. He smiles at her, welcoming her touch. "I wanted the plug in, so I can get around easier! What would you like? Soup? Oatmeal? Crackers and tea?" "Soup.." she smiled a bit, "and I think I'd like my fat catmunk to be a bit slimmer so he can be plump and fat without the plug..." she sighed. She did miss the weight of his belly! Roddy purrs. "Okay! Chicken noodle? "I'll take a pill after you're served, okay?" He conjures up a tray, a big mug full of soup, and a spoon. "Can you pull the cork out? I can't reach..." He blushes, giggling. She smiles, nodding, and tugs at the cork, which pops out. His fat settles into a more normally rounded form. He oofs. "Wow! I'm heavy! You eat, and I'll get my pills!" he says, caressing Sandra's face gently. He thinks about kissing her, then decides to wait until after he trims down. She took his paw and gently tugged on it, pretty sure she couldn't move him, but hoping he'd get the message, As he leaned over her, dangerously off balance, she kissed him on the lips softly. Roddy purrs and steadies himself on the back of the chair, returning the kiss enthusiastically. "I love you, Sandra! So happy you're up!" Sandra smiled up at his fat face. "Me, too..." Roddy looked at her, a smile playing on his fat face. "You have your soup. I'll go get a reducing pill!" he said as he gets up and waddles off, the floor shaking with his footsteps. She nodded and said "Okay..". Taking up the spoon, she dipped it into the mug, then raised it to her lips. The soup is delicious, with chunks of carrot and celery along with chicken. She mmmmmms softly before eating it and starting in on the next spoonful. By the time Roddy comes back, having shed over half his weight, but still with a BIG belly, she had finished the mug. "How is it?" he asked. Sandra looked up at Roddy. "Ooh, I like that very much.." she said. Smiling softly she dipped the spoon down into that nice chicken soup, chasing the last bits. Roddy gets on his knees next to the chair. "I'm glad you like it. I got that recipe from a nice lady in Connecticut when I was seven." he says. She smiled at him. "You're too nice to me, Roddy." She looked down at his belly, which wasn't too hard to do! He takes her paw in his. "I love you, Sandra... I want to see you happy and healthy." he says, kissing her paw, then resting it on his belly. She smiled softly. "I am happy with you Roddy, more than anything else." she replied, her paw gently rubbing at his huge middle. He purrs at the rubbing. "You scared me so much when you fainted, and seeing you sleep for three days, giving you your medications, I was so scared!" he looks at Sandra with love in his eyes. He's so relieved to see her smiling at him again. Smiling softly, she gently slid her other paw onto his cheek. "You are so sweet, Roddy. I'm sorry to have scared you so." she says, then she yawns softly, turning her head away. "You still tired, love? Want to sleep here in the chair?" he asked. His solicitousness is so amusing to her, but she kept her giggle hidden. "Can I sleep.. on you.." she blushed softly. "I think your more comfy!" He smiles wide. "Anything you wish, Sandra! Let me make up the bed, and I'll bring you in, okay?" "Okies.." she smiles brightly up at him before settling into the chair, ready for sleep now. Roddy gets up and rushes into the bedroom. He comes out a few minutes later with a load of sheets, which he tosses in the wash. He then walks over to Sandra. "Ready for bed?" "Uh huh.." she smiles and reaches for him. He gently helps her up and carries her into his room. He sits on the bed, then lies down, keeping her on his big belly. "Am I fat enough for you, or should I get bigger?" She smiled and nuzzled his belly, paws gently squeezing his fat sides. "Perhaps a bit more, but not too much. I want you to be okay." "Okay..." He reaches out to the headboard and grabs a bottle of yellow candies, removes the lid, and hands the bottle to her. "Each one will make me gain 100 pounds, and there's 50 in there. Feed me till I'm just right, okay?" he says. She smiled. "Ok.." Just then, she sneezed, sending the candies up in the air. Roddy watched, mouth open in surprise, as the candies spray up. Over 20 land in his mouth, and he swallows in reflex, shuddering. "Oh boy..." he muttered after he gulped them down. Sandra she blinked. "Oh dear.. sorry my love.. " she looks at him and bites her bottom lip. Roddy starts bloating with soft fat. "I don't mind! The bigger, the better! And more comfy!" he says as his body is ballooning with blubber. He gains over 2000 pounds of fat, and grows a foot taller, making his belly a nice big, soft bed for Sandra, who was enjoying the sight and feeling of Roddy blowing up. "You like?" "Oh yes!" she says with a smile, kissing him. He gently snuggles her into his fat, soft, warm tummy and kisses back. "You rest and get well, my love... I'll stay still for you!" She smiled up at him. "Thats just what I wanted to hear!" He gives her a gentle back rub with his fat fingers. "You get some good rest, okay?" "Okay.." She yawns, stretches, then slowly fell asleep on Roddy's tremendous tummy., which quivers gently as he purrs. Soon, Roddy is asleep as well.